Five business containers for collaborative leadership

In a previous post, I mentioned how relevant organizational containers are to help self-organize individuals and teams activities. I´m focusing myself on five containers:

  • Adopting a systemic model: each pillar in the model helps to explain both individual and team activities.
  • Generating future business scenarios: plausible futures help to expand individual and team perspectives; desired future requires individuals and teams willing to share a vision.
  • Sharing common vision and brand architecture: brand claim, touch points and storytelling fixes individual and team desired interactions with clients.
  • Developing business principles and cultural identity awareness: business principles pose individual limits to collective action; they are often connected to brand touch-points.
  • Creating a sustainable collaborative habitat: multi-system learning communities become containers for adding individual value and for learning how to expand business.

Implementing any of the above container requires both individual and collective learning mostly through a collaborative conversations process. Collaborative leadership implies influencing system learning and adaptation through the selected container, while been sensitive to individual and team resistances to learn and adapt.

Collaborative leadership, the main focus of our workshop taking place in Paris November 8 and 9, 2016. For more information or to register visit: